
M. Agil Tauhit Ismail Elected as the General Secretary of the Forum Silaturahmi Mahasiswa (FOSMA).

BANJARBARU, FEBRUARY 4, 2024 – The Information Technology Program, Antasari State Islamic University Banjarbaru, proudly presents an outstanding achievement with the election of M. Agil Tauhit Ismail as the General Secretary of the Student Brotherhood Forum (FOSMA). Starting his journey from the Information Technology Program, Agil has now become an integral part of the organization tasked with strengthening student bonds and enhancing campus life quality.

M. Agil Tauhit Ismail, born on September 19, 2004, in Kotabaru, is a representative of the high spirit and dedication embraced by students at UIN Antasari Banjarmasin. His success in achieving the position of FOSMA General Secretary is not merely a coincidence but the result of sharp vision, dedication, and organizational experience that he has cultivated since the beginning of his academic journey.

M. Agil Tauhit Ismail

In his brief comment, the Secretary of the Information Technology Program, UIN Antasari Banjarbaru, Munsyi S.Kom, M.T., expressed appreciation for Agil’s achievement. “Agil is a real example of a student who has a high commitment to self-development and campus life. His success in winning the trust as the General Secretary of FOSMA is a reflection of the fighting spirit that should be emulated by other students.”

The Student Brotherhood Forum (FOSMA) itself is one of the executive organizations that play a strategic role in facilitating interaction, collaboration, and the development of student potential within the UIN Antasari Banjarmasin community. Through various activities and programs, FOSMA aims to strengthen solidarity and enhance the quality of campus life for all students.


With the election of M. Agil Tauhit Ismail as the General Secretary, it is hoped that FOSMA can become more active in driving the progress of students and become a strategic partner for university leaders in realizing shared visions and missions. Agil has also expressed his commitment to giving his best in carrying out his duties and contributing positively to the progress and sustainability of FOSMA.

M. Agil Tauhit Ismail

Not only that, Agil also hopes that his success can inspire other students to continue bravely contributing to the progress of the campus and society. In his interview, Agil expressed his gratitude to his parents and friends who have supported and motivated him. “From the beginning of the open recruitment until now that I have served as the General Secretary I of FOSMA at UIN Antasari, I hope that for the next 1 year, I can fulfill my duties responsibly and contribute to the organization as well as the university environment.”

Author: M. Kaspul Anwar